Join us in person at Austin New Church
2701 South Lamar Blvd, Austin, Texas 78704
…or attend virtually!
Conference Schedule
Sunday, September 22
5:30pm: Doors Open (Come early to sip and shop. Bar available for purchase.)
6:30pm-8:30pm: Opening Rally (Spoken Word, Open Mic, Live Music)
Monday, September 23
8:30am: Doors Open
9:15am: Opening Worship with Rev. Naomi Washington Leapheart preaching
10:15am: Talk Back with Cha and Naomi
10:30am: Break
11:00am: Keynote with Lisa Sharon Harper
12:00pm: Talk Back with Cha and Lisa
12:30pm: Networking Lunches: Affinity Groups
2:00pm: Keynote with Rev. Dr. Crystal Silva-McCormick
3:00pm: Talk Back with Cha and Crystal
3:30pm: A Circle for Grieving
4:30pm: Chat with Direct Action Partners and/or Choose Your Own Adventure 20 Min Embodiment Practices
4:30pm-6:30pm: Dinner (on your own)
6:30pm: Doors Open (come early to shop and sip. Bar available for purchase.)
7:00pm: Concert with Crys Matthews
Tuesday, September 24
8:30am: Doors Open
9:00am: Opening Ritual
9:15am: Keynote with Rabbi Alissa Wise
10:15am: Talk Back with Cha and Alissa
10:30am: Break
11:00am: Keynote with Dr. Dana Olwan
12:00: Talk Back with Cha and Dana
12:30pm: Lunch Conversations
2:00pm: Keynote with Patty Krawec
3:00pm: Talk Back with Cha and Patty
3:15pm: Break
3:30pm: Round Table Conversation with Speakers
4:00pm: Closing Worship with Multiple Voices
We’re here and we’re queer.
We know the state of Texas is a hostile environment for queer folks. So why hold a conference in Texas? NSP is a national and international conference, but our roots are in Texas, and we are determined to keep showing up in the world boldly. While we continue to take a stand, we also value your safety! Despite Texas’ reputation, Austin has been ranked one of the top 40 most LGBTQ+ friendly cities in the country.
Praise for NSP
“The single most guaranteed soul and mind-refreshing conference I attend each year. I learn, I connect; I get nourished, inspired, challenged, tickled, and deeply moved, year in and year out. Keep up this essential, life-giving work, Friends!”
“NSP privileges voices that I need to hear. I come away challenged and inspired.”
Hope. Delight. Worship. Renewal.
“Amplifying the voices of women in church/pastoral leadership in a world of hierarchal and patriarchal power structures is courageous and brilliant. This is why I go, support it and love this conference. It is important work.”
“I have loved every single year. I walk away refreshed and connected!”
Safe, sacred space to celebrate and be celebrated.
“As a (privileged) white cis woman, I have been blessed, challenged and encouraged to hear and experience the voices of my non-white, non-cis sisters. My eyes and heart have been opened. These sisters have embraced my inexperience in being with those in the margins and taught me with grace and patience. NSP is a must for anyone who feels called to do ministry.”
Authenticity. Acceptance of my calling as a female minister, without adherence to masculine ministry models. Demonstrations of excellence in ministry.
Unconfined Collaboration!